Impact 24
Adelaïde Strategic Plan
Our ambition is to build a large, European-sized, family-run and independent insurance brokerage group where talent thrives and works tirelessly to satisfy existing customers and attract new ones.
We firmly believe that we are doing a useful job and that by doing it well we can create new opportunities. We have to be a partner for our customers and help them achieve their long-term goals, protecting their interests in the best possible way at key moments and facilitating decision-making.
We have to provide them with straightforward and effective insurance and risk management solutions that are both suitable and scalable.
Our teams must maintain a high level of expertise, working where our customers need them and over the long term.
We believe in the strength of independence. Being a family-owned company with managers allows us to work freely and in the best interest of our customers, always striving to beambitious and demanding whilst keeping to our schedule.
Entrepreneurship is an asset for seizing opportunities in a changing world.
We seek to be a high-performance group that cares about people and gives everyone the means to flourish and develop professionally. We want our employees to be enthusiastic, enjoy themselves and find their work rewarding.
Our mission is to help our customers cover and manage their risks by providing clear and efficient advice with local assistance in the negotiation, management and distribution of insurance.
We work hard to provide our customers with effective insurance solutions (level of cover,services, prices) to make customer satisfaction our priority.
We must assist them whenever and wherever they need us, in new countries where they are expanding but also in the face of the new risks they face.
We must innovate so that we can offer our customers more responsiveness and more added value at the right price. To do this, we must redefine our services in order to meetnew expectations in a digital world.
Our decisions are guided by a vision of the future for our companies, our employees and our customers.

Gilles Bénéplanc & Jacques Verlingue
Quimper, 2 february 2021